Monday, May 18, 2009

Mystery Flower

Web surfing failed me! I can't find the name of this flower. It appeared as a weed under a tree in my yard. I suspect it was seeded by birds because several plants appeared within ten yards of my bird feeder. Blooming now (mid May.) Anybody recognize it?

The flowers are a little less than two inches long growing on very long stems. No detectable odor.


The mystery is solved. It's
Alstroemeria psittacina 'Variegata' the varigated parrot lily, a native of northern Brazil. It's closly related to similar yellow flowers so popular in florist's boquets.

Also known as the
Peruvian Lily, Parrot Flower, Red Parrot Beak, New Zealand Christmas Bell and Parrotlily.

Must have been part of the garden of the previous residents. I don't recall seeing it in the five years I've been here.

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